

Denise Cory Hart,     

is a seasoned,Wholistic Wellness Coach with more than two decades of trainings in specialized wellness modalities in energy healing and enlightened soulful work. 

Denise for 12 years owned a beautiful crystal and wellness boutique on the Big Island of Hawaii, Star Light Hawaii. Working yearly with 1000's of customers and clients world wide. Her new home now is in Crozet, Virginia.   

Chose your modality: 

 Energy Healing Medicine(feels like a blissful vibration massage); to Nutritional and Dietary Coaching;Whole Foods gourmet culinary expert (experience more energy, clarity and mobility); Emotional Clearing & Balancing (feel free from toxic emotions);

Soul Blueprint Astrology Consulting (discover your purpose and personality traits);

House & Business Energy Clearing & Blessings (Experience harmony and positive energy flow in your house); P


Workshops, and much more. 

Denise can help guide you to upgrade, and  feel mentally and emotionally harmonized and balanced.

Recalibrated, Refreshed, and Renewed! . 

 Experience the ultimate in self-care and self -discovery for yourself.

Denise's clients, experience transformational healing and wellness upgrades, as a result of their sessions with her.

You're here for a reason, so treat yourself, to self-care & self-discovery; explore and see what calls to you, and reach out to Denise today for a special curated wellness experience.

"My passion is to inspire you to create and live who you are destined to be; to evolve into a  wholistic - more enlightened, and  conscious human being, for the betterment of self, soul and humanity" -Denise Cory Hart


Healer - Coach

Intuitive - Teacher - Visionary

Self - Care

Gift Certificates Available

Book Your

 Self - Care Session


 Monday-Friday 9 am - 6 pm

Appointment Only

  • Energy & Vibrational Healing

    • Energy Tune Up & Chakra Balancing 
    • Emotion Clearing & Balancing 
    • Energy House Clearing & Blessing - "House Energy Whisper"
    • Crystal Consulting - Feng Shui 

    Learn more >

  • Enlightenment Services

    • Lifestyle Coaching  Combination Packages: 13 pack $1333 Bonus: each session is 1.5 hrs  
    • Combo 5 pack $555 1 hr sessions
    • Soul Blueprint Astrology Readings -$222
    • Intuitive Readings $122 - 1 hr. Inner Child Healing - recommend packages. 
    • Emotional Clearing Healing  $122  1 hr.
    • Past Life Healings  $122 - 1 hr
    • Nutrition and Herb tips or session $155

    Learn More >

  • Wholistic Wellness Coach

    • Nutritional & Herb  Print out: $155 &                                      Coaching: 1hr. follow up $122
    • Gourmet Whole Foods Culinary Classes:     Plant, animal and raw foods delectibles
    • Culinary Coaching 1:1- hourly rate $122 or package $1333/12 sessions

    Learn more >

  • Workshops & Classes

    • Synchronicity, Serendipity & Intuition Discovery
    • Chakra Activation & Alignment 
    • Live Your Purpose- Connecting with your Destiny

    Learn more >

  • Lifestyle Coaching Packages

  • Self - Care Gift Certificates

    Self- Care Gift Certificates: Giving the gift of wellness  will bless a friend, client and loved ones feel nourished in body, mind, soul, heart and emotions. Choose: individual, weekly, monthly packages for the ultimate in              Self - Care. 

  • Circles

      Self-Discovery ~Sychronicity, Serendipity & Intuitive Circles. 

    Denise will lead circles weekly and bi-weekly and monthly; that include positive intentions, intuitive meditations that will open you up to connecting to your soul and  future self. Introduching  intuitive tools and journal tracking to discover how internally and externally  intuitions are recieved. Reflection and Share time. 

    Denise offers a worshop immersion for groups of 12 + Go to Services page to Learn more. 

     Denise has offered her Women's Circles at: Burrow & Vine, Phoenix Yoga, Wild & Free Spa and more. Private gatherings in home, and larger venues. For more information, reach out to Denise.  

    $44 pp  - 2hr circle time

Vibrational Energy Healing:

How does it work?


What does "Aloha Energy Healing"

feel like?

"Like a blissful, recalibrating,  Vibrational Massage"

 Feel the inner calm, peace of mind; with the soothing, Aloha energies that Denise transmits, as a healer trained in Hawaii while living on the Big Island of Hawaii for 18 years, owning a Crystal Wellness Boutique, Star Light Hawaii Crystals & Treasures for 12 years.

 Experience Denise's signature, Energy Tune - Up, Chakra Balancing Sessions.

Relax, recalibrate and be revitalized within your nervous system. Opening energy channels and activating pressure points that will increase the vitality of internal organs and hormones; increase brain clarity as you experience harmonizing vibrational tuning forks, and balancing Tibetan singing bowl sound bath.

Feel the "hum," as your body and cells vibrate at an optimal higher frequency of wellness. Higher frequencies creates mental wellness, increased immunity and emotional harmonizing, increasing longevity and daily positive impact.
















Are you ready to increase your vibration, frequency and energy,

to achieve optimal wellness?

Call Me

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"Feel the blissful massage vibration of frequency wellness"

Bring a friend, family, clients, co-workers to Experience a Mini Energy Tune Up!

Give a Self - Care

Gift Certificate for the Holidays

Call or Text Denise

Popular Services

Soul Blueprint Astrology Reading - Past, Present and Future Self

Denise will use her skills as an intuitive and astrologer to personalize a custom package for you, acting as a guide to help you reconnect with your Higher Eternal Self, view your Soul Blueprint and discover your purpose in life.  


Connecting to your Past, Present and Future Self through the Higher Soul self that is living in higher dimensions and although always present, is not always felt. This higher self guides our human self through your soul blueprint agreements made before the soul’s entry into the body. In this reading, Denise acts as a guide, inquiring only when invited by the client’s higher self.  


To begin, Denise reviews your Astrology chart and will focus on: 


~ Your best love/relationship connections 

~ The planetary influences on self-expression, dreams, obstacles to growth, self-mastery and discipline, healing old wounds, goals, aspirations, higher purpose, past life influences and more. 


Denise then will then meet with you to share the story of your soul blueprint in a 1:1 reading, either in person or remotely. A printout of your soul blueprint reading will be given to you to follow along. There is always spontaneous guidance that flows through, so it is good to record and take notes! 


After a Soul Astrology Blueprint reading, clients may wish to follow up with Denise at a later for more insights and to better integrate the information received. These follow-up options are offered as packages.  These can be helpful in times of: 


~ Break-up, divorce, or death of a loved one 

~ Loss of job – or considering a career change 

~ Starting a new relationship or a family 

~ Reinventing yourself for the second half of your life 

~ Feeling bored and restless, or searching for your purpose 

~ Seeking to understand yourself and others in a deeper and more meaningful way 

~ Discovering your multifaceted self, to better align with your destiny. 


 Cost $222 (includes 2hr reading and 2 hr preparation) 


Energy Tune Up

Denise uses vibrational sound tools: tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls that emits a pleasant hum and positive frequency throughout the body that feels like a blissful vibrational massage. As in ancient healing systems of: Tibet, Egyptian and Chinese medicine: Denise will open the energy meridian – channels that will release blockages clearing,  and balancing the internal organs related to these meridians and pressure points. Denise also activates and calms the nervous system that effortlessly drops into a parasympathetic state, when she places the tuning forks on specialized points on the body. You will feel like you are in a deep meditative state of being, the mind and your whole body will feel completely relaxed, instead of being in a fight or flight and producing cortisol. Next, the immune system kicks in, the cells start communicating because the body is a electrical system. Everyone feels like they had a restful sleep, then the body will start to feel energized because it starts to recalibrate. Treat yourself to an amazing vibrational tune up.

Emotion Clearing & Balancing

Experience feeling radiant, after a releasing of trapped emotions in the body, with an energetic technique system, that effortlessly releases the negative impact that can be created within the body, mind and spirit that could be in discord. You will feel more positive, centered and excited to live a more radiant life. Feel more emotional wellbeing an energy to create positive new patterns. 

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Take your first step,

enhance your life with self -care:

breakthrough and overcome challanges,living your best life!

Wholistic Wellness is a blessing!

I am here for you...

To guide you,

mentor you,

teach you, coach you,

and inspire you to shine on,

        to be your most Brilliant True-Self! 

Denise Cory Hart

Live your highest wholistic potential !

 “People that connect with your inner light are right for you, they want to lift you higher, they want to see you win wholeheartedly, they want to speak your name into the spaces filled with aligned opportunities, to help and support without reason. To support without hesitation, to see you succeed, exceeding personal limitations. There is no absence of attention or presence of competition, just intentional conversations of, “ I love you, I see you, and I support your higher purpose.”  The people that are right for you won’t dim your light in fear of you shining brighter but rather lift your light so together you vibrate higher.” 

- Jade Torres 

Learn how


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By Denise Cory Hart 05 Oct, 2020
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